Saturday, February 27, 2010

Upside Down Throws

I think these are perhaps the most misunderstood throws.

Scobel Wiggins Photography

Younger/inexperienced players are often discouraged from practicing upside down throws. I do think that other throws should take priority when developing your throws, but there certainly is a time and place for upside down throws.

Developing upside down throws (scoobers, hammers, knifes, blades and thumbers) in place of more traditional fundamentals (forehand and backhand - and the various release points for both) is not a wise practice. I do think that the traditional throws will generally serve you better. But, adding weapons to the arsenal is always something I endorse.

Now, upside down throws do seem to end in turns a disproportionate amount of the time. This is so even when the throws themselves are good (both the look being good, and the actual execution). Interestingly, the fault lies with the thrower less than one might think.

Upside down throws are harder to catch. There are a couple of reasons for this. For example, the disc cuts through the air, and thus is often traveling faster. Further, the angle the disc is descending on can make the catch difficult. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the receiver has simply not had as much practice catching upside down discs. This is crucial, and, in my mind, is one of the principal reasons that upside down throws result in turns. The ratio of good look to turnover is disproportionate in upside down scenarios in part because 1) the throw is generally more unexpected, and 2) the throw is generally more difficult to catch.

That being said, upside down throws are very effective break throws because of where they are released (not to mention being more unexpected from a defender's perspective, meaning that the reaction time will be slower). Many players are able to effectively use little scoobers and knifes to get a quick break off. Others are able to utilize the hammer to break the field wide open. I think we can all stand to work the upside down throw into a more regular part of our offences. It's the extremes that we should shy away from. Falling in love with these throws is a real danger. So is surprising your teammate with an upside down throw - even if the look is good.

those are some of my thoughts.


ps - a tip for improving hammers: practice throwing blades. a good blade goes a long way to developing a good hammer.

pps - the double helix scoober is not for the faint of heart. frankly, i didn't even know it was possible until i saw this:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cutting for Yourself is Less than Half the Story

What is the purpose behind a cutter's decision to move?

Scobel Wiggins Photography

First, I want to point out that moving itself is a decision. The key behind cutting is some combination of: keeping your defender busy, creating space for other players, and attacking space with the intention of being open for a pass. (Obviously, that list is not exhaustive.) Sometimes, not moving is the best option, counterintuitive as it may be.

All too often players cut for the sake of cutting. There are a number of problems with this: it clogs and eliminates passing lanes, it detracts from the offensive rhythm, it wastes valuable energy, it allows defenders to pay less attention to you, etc... Decisiveness is a mandatory component of effective cutting, and if you are just running around the field, chances are it's not in a decisive fashion. Decisive cutting requires that you commit 100% to the cut. That will allow you to take advantage of your offensive advantage, namely that you get to decide where to go while the defender must react to that decision. Strong defenders are able to recover quickly and stay with you on your cut. That is why you need to put the maximum amount of pressure on them by going full tilt.

Now, great defenders will anticipate where you A) want to go, and B) can go. That is one of the reasons you can't just cut anywhere. If you cut to a non-threatening area, the defender knows he doesn't have to play you close, and can lend his defensive services to a teammate. On top of that, the non-threatening space you just cut to may have been valuable real estate for one of your teammates (that is until you stupidly infringed on it).

Ultimate is truly a team game, and if you are cutting out there for yourself - whether you are just focusing on getting open for the disc or simply trying to shake your hungry defender - then you aren't playing a team game. Advancing the disc with the best risk/reward ratio is the only goal of the offence. Now, how you solve that ratio is entirely team-specific. However, there are meta-principles for all offences.

All offensive players are disc-advancers. As a cutter, you need to (not) move in the way that maximizes the range of options available to the thrower. Everyone who has played ultimate knows that feeling when you have the disc, and all the downfield players jam the open-side throwing lane right in front of you. They all rush to the obvious space where you should be able to throw an easy pass. The result is that they collectively render the throw impossible. Why? Because even though there are multiple receivers, you only have one throwing option, which happens to be into a pack of defenders who know you only have that option... And cue the turn.

The thrower should have all options at all time; the full range of angles and the full range of risk: Short and deep looks on the open-side, two dumps, a short break, and a longer (probably over the top) break. Think of these options as areas on the field, not as players occupying those areas. These areas are always there for a given disc location on the field. They may differ in size, location and risk, but they are almost always present.

So, the job of the disc-advancer can be seen to be two-fold: both enter and exit these options within the structure of the offensive system and in a productive fashion. It's how you enter and exit these spaces that determines how good a cutter you are. Recognizing who should be where, what the best combination of which players in which spaces at any given moment is - that is the incredibly difficult process that a cutter is expected to instantly, constantly, and flawlessly execute at all times when on the pitch.

And at its core, the focus is only ever partly on cutting for yourself.

those are some of my thoughts.


ps - crafts is just sick:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Handler/Cutter Binary

Being able to throw and catch makes a dangerous combination. It sounds obvious, but I think a lot of us forget.

Ray Illian. It was even filthier live.

Complete players are not fun to play against. They are able to take advantage of whatever you decide to do. How can you stop that?

A player able to punish you from either side of the disc on offence is an example of a complete player. Such a player threatens to end the point with one devastating throw. But, if you push them out, they can go the distance for the score (and they'll crown you and another defender while at it).

Those are the guys you don't want to play against.

Now, not many of us are going to be superstars. It makes no difference. The key is being dynamic, flexible, unpredictable, responsive, and lethal. You must be a threat to take off deep, or range around the disc and make productive throws. You need not be a master at both, or either. But you do have to be a threat. Even the portliest 'handler' has roasted someone deep.

One of the major offensive advantages presented by the ho stack is the ability for any player to slip downfield. If the spacing is proper, then the deep should constantly be open for strikes. Weak side handlers - the second reset position - should be actively looking to enter the fray. And in similar fashion, the far cutters should be expecting to fill that spot when it becomes vacant.

The whole notion of being a cutter OR a handler is destructive. You need to be both at all times. Just think of JAM. All those dudes could be handlers or receivers on top flight teams. Now, because their bodies and disc skills are so finely tuned, JAM players can torch you in or out. The point I want to get across is that you DON'T have to be a dominant player to taste, and enjoy the fruits of this strategy. Just take advantage of the situation as it presents itself. Don't stand around and wait for something to happen. Generate offence by actively moving to, and moving to create, space.

Being stagnant as a reset, hanging out's the same thing. It creates the same problems. In ultimate, the fluidity of the offence is what puts the defence at a constant disadvantage. You need to be able to throw and catch if you want to continually apply pressure on the other team.

those are some of my thoughts.


ps - in my opinion, Hass is the best example of a player who defies the handler/cutter binary.